25 Pro Tips for Early Game in Paudia
To help get you started on your adventure in Paudia, here are 25 pro tips for the early game that’ll make your game a lot better. If there are any tips I haven’t mentioned in this video, please help someone out by writing them down below. Let’s get into it.
Adjusting Game Settings
The intro of this game starts off very slow. The moment you get the chance, press X on your controller, open it up, and select the options. This will allow you to change the text speed to fast if you choose to do so. That way, you can get through dialogue a little bit faster. Another cool option is to do the skip move learning. In this game, you can actually add on the Pokemon moves at any time you want, so you have this option to turn off when you are leveling a bunch of Pokemon and don’t want that really annoying pop-up of saying your Pokemon just learned a move. This is really good when you are training up your Pokemon, but when you’re starting your game, it’s actually a very good option to leave it on because it’ll help you a lot better to see the new moves for your Pokemon.
When you have a full Pokemon party of six and you start to catch new Pokemon, the game will usually prompt you to decide if you want to add a Pokemon to your party or send it to the box. By selecting this box option, it’ll allow you to send Pokemon automatically to the PC.
Autosave Feature
Autosave is an option in the game. When starting the game, it’s really good to leave it on in case you run into any glitches or bugs because you know this game just came out and anything could happen at launch. So, autosave is a great thing to have on. But if you happen to encounter something important like a Shiny Pokemon, I highly suggest that you turn off autosave, manually save in front of the shiny while you can see it. That way, if the shiny runs away or disappears, you’re really safe and the save has you covered. That’s the only time I really suggest you turn off autosave and turn on Save.
Using the Map
If you ever find yourself lost in the game, press Y to activate the map. If the map seems very confusing because it’s in a weird rotating mode, you can always just go ahead and press in the right analog stick to turn off the rotating mode. Use the ZL and ZR buttons to zoom in and zoom out on the map. Zooming in is really good when you want to see the fine details of the shops in specific towns.
While we’re talking about the map, let’s go over what each map icon represents:
Following the Main Story
When you start the game, there’s a really big temptation to run around and start exploring as this is the first open-world Pokemon game. But if you want access to teracelization, auto-battling, and being able to ride your mounts (your legendary Koraidon and Miraidon), I suggest you follow the story up until that point. At that point, you have the freedom to do whatever you want in the game. Doing the main story will also unlock all three paths in the game, and you’ll be able to explore the game as you freely please.
While you’re on the path, battle wild Pokemon and maybe catch some for your team, but don’t get too distracted at the start. If you do decide to catch Pokemon in the early game area, this is one of the best spots in the starting map. I’ve marked it on the map over here so you can follow right from the starting area to this hill. You don’t need any special things to get there; you can literally just walk and find a path up this hill. When you go up here, you’re going to see some powerful Pokemon like Swablu, who evolves into Altaria (a dragon Pokemon). You’ve got Larvitar if you’re playing Pokemon Scarlet, giving you access to a pseudo-legendary (Tyranitar). If you’re playing Pokemon Violet, instead of Larvitar, there will be Bagon, which will eventually become Salamence (another dragon Pokemon). You’ll also notice there’s a little baby Axew, which is going to become Haxorus (another Dragon type Pokemon). There are a few other notable Pokemon in the area as well, giving you a very powerful Pokemon team along with your starters if you do happen to go to this area. These Pokemon are around level 16 to 18.
Three Paths Unlocked
Speaking of Pokemon, make sure to hit that subscribe button so we can catch all these dragon Pokemon. Now let’s talk about the three paths that you unlock once you follow the main storyline:
Victory Road Path
The victory road path contains eight gym leaders. If you choose to defeat the gym leaders, you will be able to increase the level cap of your Pokemon. What this means is you can basically catch higher-level Pokemon, and they will start to obey you. Your friends can trade you over Pokemon, and they will start to obey you. Just remember, your starter can be whatever level it needs; it could be level 100 and it’ll still obey you no matter what. Beating the gym leaders not only allows your level cap to increase but also gives you more items in the Pokemon shops. So every time you beat a gym leader, make sure to check on the Pokemon shops in the little Pokemon Center red icons on your map to see updated pokeballs, potions, and more.
Path of Legends
Next, let’s talk about the Titans. There are five Titans in the game. This is the Path of Legends that Arvin gives you. These Titans are very crucial to do because the Path of Legends basically gives you access to the different ride features of Miraidon or Koraidon. By doing these, you’ll be able to access jumping, swimming, gliding, running, and finally climbing. It doesn’t matter what order you choose to do these Titan battles for Path of Legends. All you have to know is the further you get away from the starter area, the harder the Titan battle is going to be and the better the ability is going to be.
Team Star Battles
There are five Team Star battles in the game, and each one will unlock new TMs for you in your TM crafting menu. Doing these will expand the menu, but in order of importance, I really do suggest Gym Battles, then Titans, and if you can fit Team Star battles in between, go ahead and do that. Once you complete each storyline, it will each have a final boss that you would have to beat, and then once you do all that, that’ll lead to the final chapter of the game. But I’ll let you discover that for yourself.
Exploring and Unlocking Fast Travel
Now that we’ve talked about all the basics in the game, let’s talk about some big pro tips that you can do. Once you have access to the Miraidon and Koraidon mounts, a huge Pro tip I suggest is to run around the map to every single Pokemon Center that you can find. They are again marked by the red visual on the map. All you have to do is go ahead, move your marker on it, select A, and travel right to that destination. The moment that you set your foot onto a Pokemon Center, it’ll immediately become a flying point on your map. So just go around the map and unlock as many as you can to help you fast travel whenever you need.
While you’re also traveling to unlock these various locations, towns, and Pokemon centers, go ahead and interact with random Terra raid dens. If you just click on them and tap them, you’ll get LP, which is another currency in the game that can be used in shops and also your TMs. You can really use money and LP to do the same thing in the game. LP specifically for TMs, but LP can also be used to buy items if you don’t have enough money itself. So LP is everywhere in the game; it’s becoming a big deal. I would suggest focusing on grabbing as much LP as you can. If you have a chance to fight the Terra raids, go ahead because they give great experience rewards as well as experience candies. You can use that to help level up your starter to become really powerful early on before even doing anything.
While you’re also traveling around the map, you’ll notice a lot of yellow things on the ground. When you see these, pick them up. They could be rare, expensive items. You can find nuggets, potions, higher-level pokeballs. Basically, the further you go out from the starting area and move towards high-level Pokemon areas, the better items you will get. So traveling around is probably a really good idea. Picking these items up can give you access to early pokeballs before they even show up in the shop, which I mentioned before—you have to beat the gym leaders to get an expansion of pokeballs and different items. You can also find large experience candies that you can use on your starters. That’s pretty much how I was able to get Fuecoco’s third evolution at the start. I haven’t done anything in my game, and I’m already level 50. That’s how I’m already high level in my new game. Basically, if it sparkles or glows, just pick it up. You’ll have a lot of items in your inventory that you can use at any time.
Terastalization Tips
Let’s talk about Terastalization a little bit more. The Terra Pokemon that you catch in the overworld are always going to be the same exact type. For example, if I catch a Pikachu, it’s always going to have an electric Teratype. Now, there are going to be different spawns in the world. Sometimes you’ll bump into these glowing overworld Terra Pokemon. These Terra Pokemon that are walking around are going to have different Teratypes. The moment you interact with them, you’ll see their Teratype right above their head. If you find a Pokemon that is a dual type, you have a chance of this Teratype being either or. So if you found a dark dragon, it could either be dark or it could be dragon when it Terastalizes.
If you want to randomly find a great Terra Pokemon, you can go into the raid dens. Each of these raid dens has different Pokemon with different Teratypes, and they’re rotating all over the map. Sometimes you’ll get a little unlucky and have a Terra Pokemon with the exact same type, but most of the time, you’ll get different ones. Also, you don’t have to panic if you get a really good Pokemon in the game. For example, if you get a Shiny Pokemon and you want to change the Teratype later on in the game, you’ll be able to do this via 50 Tera shards of a specific type.
Now let’s talk about Terra battling information. Remember, a Terra Pokemon still keeps the STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) from their original typing and gains a third STAB attack if they have an attack that matches the Teratype it evolves into. Let me give you an example: if I have an electric flying Pokemon and it becomes a water type, it’s weak to anything that can beat water type. But it’ll have a 1.5 multiplier for all electric attacks, a 1.5 multiplier for all flying attacks, and if it happens to have a water attack while it’s Terastalized, it’ll gain a two times multiplier on that attack. I hope that makes sense. Think of that when you are facing off against a wild Terra Pokemon or a Terra raid den, or even if you want to transform yourself. The biggest thing is to know what you’re going to be weak to and what the original typing attacks were.
You can only Terra a Pokemon once per fight. The cool thing about Terra Pokemon is if I Terastalize my Pokemon and I bring them back into my party mid-fight and send them out again, they are still Terastalized. This is completely different than anything we’ve seen before with Mega Evolutions or Dynamax. They stay Terastalized the whole fight until they get knocked out. Once the battle is over or you use up your Terastalization, you can then recharge your Terastalization by either going to a Pokemon Center and healing up your Pokemon or by going around and just touching a Terra raid den. You’ll be able to bring back the Terra so you can do it again in battle. Don’t make the mistake of not, because if you’re in a really hard fight, those Terra transformations really help.
Exploring for Special Items and Quests
During your exploration, you might come across these little sticks in the ground that are completely different colors and bright and glowing. If you see one, just go ahead and pick it up. It has to do with a legendary Pokemon quest later. There are four new legendaries in this game, so just pick it up. It unlocks something for them, but we’ll talk about that in another video.
There are a lot of important shops in this game that I’m going to be talking about. Mostly, I’ll use Mesagoza as the example. You have the Artesian Bakery, Deli Cioso, and Shore Cans. These are all going to have a lot of sandwich ingredients that you will need. Sandwiches are really great for giving you buffs and for getting certain Pokemon to spawn. A great example is I wanted a bunch of Bisharp to spawn, and I had a dark encounter power-up. I did that and was able to get a bunch of Bisharps showing in the Bisharps spawning location. Trust me, sandwiches are very important for getting tasks done. I know we overlooked this feature a lot when it comes to curry and other stuff, but sandwiches are big. They give you so many bonuses, and they will help you later on in the end game. Because if you watch my last video, you know that Shiny sandwiches are a big deal later on in the game.
There is also a special shop in the game called Every Which Way. When you walk into it, it’s not noticeable on the map. It has a giant sandwich sign. There’s going to be a guy in there that teaches you these random recipes, so go ahead and make sure to always come back to this guy as you progress through your game and talk to him. Also, this shop has its own food with different buffs. You don’t have to always make your food. You can just enter these shops and see if the food you buy matches up with the type of power-up you want.
Chances Supply is marked on the map and provides all items that boost stats and Revival Herb, which is basically an early game Max Revive that you can find here. A game-changing shop is the Delibird Presents. This is just marked by a Delibird holding a gift. You can see this on your map. In here, you’ll be able to find battle items and even evolution items for certain Pokemon. As you progress through the game, you can buy Eevee training items early game under General Goods to make your Pokemon even more powerful. An Everstone is there to help with breeding, and a Soothe Bell will help make Pokemon very friendly towards you. You can get evolutions like Chansey, Umbreon, Espeon, and Lucario because those Pokemon require high friendship.
Auto Battles
Auto battles are super important. They don’t give you as much experience as actually going into battles, but they are very important for dropping items that you’re going to use for making some TMs. Some TMs are going to be very important to helping your Pokemon team succeed. The best advice I can give you when it comes to auto battles is if you find a giant group of Pokemon via mass outbreaks, that’s a great time to use auto battle. It’s easy to hunt down the shiny Pokemon you want, and you’ll get a lot of level. Also, if you’re just in the overworld and see a group of Pokemon just stacked up in a corner, go ahead and send out your Pokemon and just go battle them. It’s a great way to get experience. Auto battles are fantastic if you want to be a little more passive, relax, and just level up. I also noticed that Pokemon don’t really evolve via auto battles, so if you do hit a required level for a Pokemon via auto battle, make sure to just enter a real battle once the experience bar is really close to the level. Then just hit that level, and your Pokemon should evolve.
Additional Tips
Another pro tip is don’t be scared of jumping. You cannot die from falling in this game. Pokemon Legends Arceus PTSD kicks in. That game messed me up when I was jumping in this game because I thought I was just going to die every single time. If you don’t have the swimming form for Koraidon or Miraidon, when you walk into water, you will drown and just scurry back to the last location you were before you walked into the water.
When you catch 30 species of Pokemon and you go to the biology lab in the school and talk to Jacques, he will give you False Swipe. This is really important when you want to get Pokemon to 1 HP and make it a lot easier to catch. A False Swiper Pokemon is very important in your game, and you can see which one you would like to put that TM on, but I really suggest you grab False Swipe early from Jacques. This will help you catch your Pokemon and fill out the Pokedex fast.
Speaking of filling out the Pokedex fast, it’s probably a really important thing to do in this game because you’ll be able to get a shiny charm at the end. You also get these really cool battle pass-like level-up rewards when you do register Pokemon. So it’s a little motivating. You’ll get some special pokeballs like apricorn balls and beast balls if you do fill out your Pokedex. So make sure to try to catch every Pokemon as you encounter them throughout the game.
The Adventure Guidebook is another helpful resource. If you need to go over any of the tips again from the game and not listen to my video, you can open up the Adventure Guidebook in your menu and just read through all the little tips that it gives you. As you unlock new features, it’ll remind you. So if you’re like, “I forgot something, what was that again?” go ahead and just open up that Adventure
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