How to Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Business
Hey there, Brad Smith with AutomationLinks. Today, I want to share my insight about how we’ve been focused on LinkedIn for the past seven years and how it makes up 80% of our customer base. If you already are working with us, we probably met on LinkedIn. It’s a great place to network, post your blogs, add videos, and chat with other like-minded businesses.
Depending on your type of business, LinkedIn might be a good fit or it might not be. If you’re a business selling direct to consumers, like products shipped in the mail, it’s probably not the best place to find your ideal customer. However, it is a great place to meet other businesses that could help accelerate your growth. For example, if you want to add an affiliate or partnership program, you can go to LinkedIn to find perfect partners to help you sell your products.
Networking and Partnerships
If you’re a local business, you might not find the exact customers that want your business, like a gym for instance. However, you can connect with other businesses in your area and get them to refer clients to you, all by using LinkedIn. Now, if you’re a business-to-business owner, it’s the ideal place and you need to be there because the other businesses you want to connect with are there too.
Finding Your Ideal Customer
Step number one that I want to share today is to find that ideal customer. Who is that customer? Go into the LinkedIn search and start typing in different keywords and names until you find the exact customer you want to connect with. You can do that by location, business title, or by the type of business they offer.
Connecting with Your Ideal Customers
Once you find that ideal customer you want to connect with, start adding more people like them. Find that exact search; you might see that there are a thousand, 30,000, or even a million people in that category. Just start connecting with them. You don’t even have to send them a message. We are at our max capacity of 30,000 connections and we go back, delete people, and add more. So, just start connecting with those ideal customers.
Engage and Interact
Thank you so much for watching and listening. Please share, leave a comment, or ask your question about LinkedIn in the comments below. Make sure you stay with us all week so you get that free download of our LinkedIn guide.
Free LinkedIn Guide
Are you sick of all the information being thrown at you by all the hype and gurus online? Hey there, my name’s Brad Smith with AutomationLinks.com. Six days a week, I answer user questions with the exact tips, strategies, and insights we use to grow our business.
Read More: How to Build a LinkedIn Network in todays fast pace online world
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